Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 56

I finally have some free time this morning to post last night photo. This is Kelly that is filling in for Theresa while she is out on medical leave. I have enjoyed working with her.....she really was putting out the new freight last night I was impressed.

Gary took me and my brother out to dinner last night after work. Oh and I bought some awesome new specialty paper from work it is on sale 40% off and I can't wait to use it for something it is sooo pretty I hate to cut it up but I think I am going to pick up some more while this sale is going on...and also picked up some more of that leather paper I LOVE this paper!!!! Oh more awesome news one of my favorite girls that come into the store is going to let me borrow her Serenade cartridge!!!!! I want this cart soooo bad and have to wait until April to get my own...If you are reading this THANK YOU Yvonne!!
I want to thank you all for all your prayers you girls are the BEST!!!!
here is a sample of the paper I bought I took this with Shanes camera it really shows the color better.....ALL papercrafting products are 40% off on this sale...this is when I can afford to buy the specialty papers....and I am planning on getting more when I go back to work!


  1. She looks a lot like a girl that works at our JoAnns!

    Can't wait to see what you make with your new paper. Isn't new paper just the bestest!!

  2. You didn't say what paper was on sale... so glad you get to try the Serenade cart. You sound like you are feeling a little better, how are those feet doing???? hugs

  3. Very pretty paper. You are so lucky to get to see the goods before all of us. I think I want Serenade too.
