Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 35

Here is what I wait for all week! I am hooked on Grey's Anatomy! Gary goes why ya taking a picture of the TV for? and I said Hello what do I watch on Thursdays!!! I am sooo glad we have the Tvio so when I am working on Thursday nights I can still watch it....before that I missed some shows due to someone forgetting to hit the record button on the VCR.


  1. How nice to sit and relax and watch a show you like! I love Modern Family.

  2. I LOVE McDteamy! I wait all week for this show as well! Glad Chief Webber is going to get some help. :) McDreamy is going to make a good stand-in chief. I'm so over Izzy.. lol Now see what you did, I could go on and on... Lol

  3. Oooops.. McDREAMY and McSteamy... guess that makes McDSTEAMY! LOL

  4. Im so happy for Tivo. Im a Greys fan too. But im more of a McSteamy fan. oh no I didn't watch it last night. Better before I find out too much. I take TV pics all the time. Im sure you remember from last yr.
